Server-side-only properties

For server-side-only properties, it is best to limit data passed to the client to only the data that you want visible to them. By default, the properties available on the client side are restricted to only those used by the layout. All other bound and unbound properties associated with the layout’s bound collection are not returned to the client and are not available in client side scripting. These new server-side scripting APIs allow properties not displayed in the layout to be made available in client-side scripting:

  • context.AddClientAvailableProperties (array of additional property names): Properties in this list are made available to the client scripting. If a name is supplied that is not a valid property, an exception is thrown. If a property name is supplied that is displayed in the layout, it is ignored (since it is already visible to client scripting). This API is available only in the LayoutInitialized event handler.
  • context.ClientAvailableProperties: Returns the list of properties that are available to the client scripting.

This does not apply to unbound components, as they are always in the layout and available to the client scripting. Setting IsClientModifiable to true on a property that is not client-visible has no effect, since the property is not visible on the client.