
Specifies the box shadow for the element. No space is taken up by the box shadow.

  • Format: ipf-boxshadow(BoxShadowSpecs)

    BoxShadowSpecs can be none or a list of Shadow specifications, such as [ShadowSpec1, ShadowSpec2, ...]. Each ShadowSpec includes [HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset, BlurRadius, SpreadDistance, Color, inset]. The inset keyword is optional and, if present, changes the shadow to be an inner shadow instead of the default outer shadow. Percentage lengths are not allowed. If only one ShadowSpec is specified for a parameter, the outermost brackets may be omitted; for example, ipf-boxshadow([2px, 2px, 0, 0, #666666]) and ipf-boxshadow([2px, 2px, 0, 0, #666666], [4px, 4px, 1px, 0, #666666]). The second example contains a shadow specification for when the element is hovered over, but if instead two separate shadows are desired, this should be written: ipf-boxshadow([[2px, 2px, 0, 0, #666666], [4px, 4px, 1px, 0, #666666]]). Note the use of square brackets to group the individual shadow specifications into one shadow specification list.

  • Default parameter value: none
  • Not inherited
  • Example: ipf-boxshadow([2,2,3,0,rgba[128,42,42,1]]) on the text box labels: