About creating static pages

When an asset is used as a static page, the file uploaded to Assets must be a valid HTML page. In the response to display the static page, IPF redirects the browser to a URL that fetches the content from the Assets metadata.

For example, if the root portal URL is www.acme.com/MyPortal and the asset is /Folder1/MyPage.html, then the URL used in the browser is www.acme.com/MyPortal/Folder1/MyPage.html.

IPF redirects to www.acme.com/MyPortal/ipf/Assets/Folder1/MyPage.html.

This redirected URL can be bookmarked. The /ipf/Assets portion of the URL can be used to fetch any piece of content from the Asset metadata. IPF ensures that the logged in user has permission to access the content.

Referencing images from assets in a static page

The static page can reference images from Assets. For this to occur, the URL specified in the static page must be a URL that is relative to the static page. For example, if the static page in Assets is /StaticPage/Test.htm and the image to display is /Images/test.png, then the relative URL to use in the static HTML is ../Images/test.png. The .. goes up one directory to get to the root of the Assets directory, which is where the Images folder is located.