IPFEmailLink formatter

The data to which this formatter is applied must be a string.

You can specify either a property or a literal value to pass to the specified FDF. If neither a property or a literal value is specified, the same string that is passed to this formatter is passed to the above FDF. For instance, if the underlying data string contained "myEmail@address.com," the inner FDF is given this same string.

However, if one of these attributes is specified, this data is passed to the inner FDF. In the case of DisplayData, the value is treated as a stringID and translated. In the case of Dis­playDataProperty, the value is treated as a property and retrieved from the data source.

If both of these attributes are specified, the formatter will throw a diagnostic warning and use the DisplayDataProperty value instead of the DisplayData value.

The other attributes determine the default values of the email Subject, CC, BCC, and Body fields when the user opens the email client. Data for these fields can come from either a property (unbound component value, unbound property, or bound property) or a string ID. For each field, the attributes in each pair are optional, and both cannot be used. If both are specified, a diagnostic message is thrown and the property value is used.

For information about a specific option in the FDF Editor, click in the field to see the context-sensitive help.

All browsers support the functionality described here. There is no fallback functionality for specific browsers. This table shows how the field is displayed with and without formatting:

Before formatting After formatting
myEmail@address.com Set Field Display Format to IPFButton, Display Data Property to sSendEmail, and Subject Value to Greetings from Infor

In this case, the stringID becomes Send Email, and clicking this button opens the default email client with myEmail@address.com as the recipient and a subject of Greetings from Infor.