IPFVideo formatter

This formatter displays a video. For video, the appropriate player is automatically selected by looking at the extension of the IPFDocumentl name. These video types are supported:

  • HTML5 Video: If the data value has a file extension of OGV, the video is formatted as an Ogg Video. This requires that the client browser supports HTML5 video.
  • QuickTime Video: If the data value has a file extension of MOV, the video is formatted as a QuickTime Video. This requires that the client browser has the Apple QuickTime add-in.
    Note: QuickTime has a known issue with video display. The control is rendered on top of other elements regardless of z-index or any special parameters on the QuickTime object.
  • YouTube Video: If the data value has the extension .youtube, the video is formatted as a YouTube video. In this case, the contents of the document must be either the URL of the YouTube video or the ID of the YouTube video as assigned by YouTube.

For video format, in the case of HTML5 and QuickTime, the FDF data field provides the filename of the video along with the content.

Specify the width and height of the video frame. To select the background color of pixels inside the frame that are not covered by the video, use the color picker next to the BgColor field.

To have a video play automatically when the portal user selects the video record, set Auto Play to True.
Note: Some browsers do not honor the Auto Play setting, typically on a mobile device. In these cases, the user must click the Play button to view the video.

For information about other options in the FDF Editor, click in the field to see the context-sensitive help.

This table shows how the field is displayed with and without formatting:

Before formatting After formatting
Raw data is the name of the uploaded file:


The frame displays the video with user controls: