Order Invoice Listing

Use this form to view details related to a specific invoice. Open the form by clicking Order Invoice Listing on the Service Orders form Billing tab or on the Sales Orders form.

The form shows a list of invoice lines. The invoice header information at the top of the form allows the user to select an invoice that can be filtered down to a specific invoice, order, or customer. For service orders that are project/fixed or AIA billed, the transaction detail does not populate. AIA billed service orders store additional information to keep track of application for payments.

If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e, the Regenerate BOD button is displayed on the form. Click this button when the Invoice BOD was rejected or lost and you need to resend the BOD to . This button is only enabled when SX.e is selected on the Integration Parameters form.

If you are integrated with Distribution SX.e and selected Display Alt Document ID on the Integration Parameters form, these fields are displayed:

  • Alternate Document ID: The Distribution SX.e order number is displayed in when the Process.Invoice BOD is processed.
  • BOD Status: The status of the Process.Invoice BOD (accepted or rejected) is displayed.
  • Reason: If the Process.Invoice BOD was rejected, this field shows the reason why the BOD was rejected. This value comes from the Reason field in the Acknowledge BOD.