Printing the Batch Invoice

Use the Batch Invoice Print modal form to select a batch of order for invoicing, instead of invoicing everything available. Follow these steps to print the invoice:

  1. On the Order Invoicing form, click Batch Process to launch the form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Print Sequence
    The number assigned to each order record to determine the sequence in which the invoices is displayed. The default increment is 10 (10, 20, 30, ...) but that value can be overridden with a valid keyed in sequence (1,2,3, ... or 2, 4, 6, ... or 1, 8, 35, ..., and so on). Duplicate numbers are not allowed.
    Select the alphanumeric system identification of the sales or service order.
    A brief description for the SRO is displayed.
  3. Click Process to complete the invoicing and print the output.