Setting Additional Filters for SRO Transactions

Use the Service Order Transactions Filters form to add more filters for service order transactions. Follow these steps to use the form:

  1. You can access this form standalone, or by clicking Additional Filters on the Service Order Transactions form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select a customer.
    Ship To
    The Customer Ship To location is displayed.
    Select the warehouse to use for the material transaction.
    Billing Code
    See Billing Code for details.
    The number of the invoice that corresponds to that transaction is displayed.
    Select the department out of which the partner works.
    Post Date Range
    Select the transaction posting date range to include for the report.
    Bill Hold
    Select this check box to put the service order operation or transaction on billing hold.
    The item number is displayed.
    Transaction Type
    Select the type of material transaction that is being performed on a SRO.
    Work Code
    Select the code used to represent the type of work that is being recorded to a SRO. Codes are set up and maintained on the Work Codes form.
    Misc Code
    Select the unique alphanumeric code that represents a particular type of expense that is charged to a SRO.
    Payment Type
    Select the code for the payment type being used. The selections available are set up and maintained using the Payment Types form.
  3. Click OK to save the new filters and return to the Service Order Transactions form. Upon return, the Additional Filters button is displayed with red lettering.
  4. Click Clear to clear any filters you have selected.
  5. Click Cancel to return to the Service Order Transactions form without saving any of the additional filters.