Dispatching a Partner

Use these steps to dispatch a partner to an existing task.

  1. On the Dispatch Scheduling form, specify this information in the To Be Dispatched section:
    Request Date
    The current date is displayed. Optionally, select a different date for the service.

    Select the reference for the appointment: Incident, SRO, Misc. The Reference Information fields populate from the order specified in this field.

    Specify the number of hours needed for the service.
    Days to Look Ahead
    Select the number of days to look ahead for availability of a partner.
    Minimum Hours Per Day
    Specify the minimum number of hours to work per day for the service.
    View Button
    Click this button to open the Incidents or Service Orders form.
    Refresh Partner List Button
    Click this button to refresh the Partner List and update for all changes made to the Scheduler.
  2. In the Select Partners To Dispatch grid, select the partner or partners to dispatch for the appointment. The blackout times specified on the Customer Ship-Tos form are used to determine the Next Available Date/Time value.

    The Inv Shortage check box is selected if the partner does not have enough quantity on hand in their warehouse to satisfy all of the planned material requirements of the service order.

  3. Click Partner Selection Criteria to view the list of criteria being used to find a partner.
  4. Click View Partner Calendar to open the Calendar Scheduling form, filtered for the current partner.
  5. Optionally, specify these appointment details on the Detail tab:
    Keep Appointments Together
    Select this check box to update the start time for the selected partners to the first available time for those partners. This option is especially useful when all partners are required to be on-site at the same time.
    Appointment Type
    Select if the appointment is a standard type or holiday type.
    Appointment Status
    Select the status of the appointment: new, complete, work in process.
    Specify a description of the service.
    Specify any additional notes.
  6. Click Dispatch Email to send an email to the partner.
  7. Click Create Appointment to schedule the appointment.
Note: Partner selection relies on the information specified on the Areas tab of the Partners form. You must specify the area information for a partner before they can be dispatched.