About Service Callbacks

When a customer calls back about an incident or SRO that was not resolved successfully, this is classified as a callback. You can use the Callback check box on incidents or SROs to indicate that this is a repeat incident, raising the visibility of a potentially volatile situation. You can build Critical Numbers and DataViews based on the use of the Callback check box to alert management and to provide analysis of callback patterns.

Generate Callback Incident

When you receive a callback on an incident, you can find the customer's original incident, then use the Generate Callback Incident button on the Incidents form to create the new incident. This lets you recycle some information from the original incident and reduce data entry. The new incident is flagged as a callback incident, so that it is apparent the issue was logged before with an unsatisfactory resolution.

This information is copied from the original incident to the callback incident:

  • Customer Information
  • Contact Information
  • Unit
  • Item
  • Notes
  • All Reason Codes and Reason Notes

Also, the Prior Incident field is set to the original incident number.

Generate SRO Callback

When you receive a callback on a service order, you can find the customer's original SRO and then use the Generate SRO Callback button on the Service Orders form to create the new SRO. This lets you recycle some information from the original SRO and reduce data entry. The new SRO is flagged as a callback SRO, so that it is apparent the request was logged before with an unsatisfactory resolution.

This information is copied from the original SRO to the callback SRO:

  • Customer Information
  • Contact Information
  • Lines and Operations marked for inclusion

Also, the Prior SRO field is set to the original SRO number. By default, the SRO Transaction Copy field is set to None.