About the Web Designer

The Infor Mongoose Web Designer is a web client application designed to perform many of the same functions as Design Mode in the Windows ("smart") client. The Web Designer provides a limited means for form and application developers to create and modify both forms and global objects from the web client. The Web Designer is designed to look and behave much like its Design Mode counterpart.

The Web Designer can be used to create and modify both forms and global objects, although it is slightly more limited than the Windows client Design Mode. For example:

  • You cannot use Diagram components on forms.
  • There are no debugging capabilities in the built-in Script Editor, which is the only scripting tool available in the Web Designer.
  • The Web Designer does not include the Object Viewer. Many of the Object Viewer’s functions, however, are still available in other parts of the Web Designer.

The Web Designer has the Toolbox and Form/Component property sheets that look and perform much like they do in Design Mode. While the Web Designer does not include the Object Viewer, much of the same functionality of the Object Viewer is available from a new Details panel. This Details panel includes these primary areas of functionality, displayed on separate tabs:

  • Collections – The Collections options that are on the Form property sheet in Design Mode have been moved to this tab in the Details panel. The functionality within this tab is identical.
  • Components – This tab presents a grid view of the components on a form, similar to the Object Viewer. This display is read-only, but it allows you to view selected properties/attributes of multiple components at once. To modify the properties/attributes of a given component, you must use the Component property sheet.

    In addition, when you select a component in the Components tab, it becomes automatically selected in both the form design workspace and in the Component properties sheet.

  • Event Handlers – This tab displays information about any form event handlers defined for the form.

    The left side of the display is a list of the form event handlers. Each of these can be expanded to view basic information about the event handler.

    The right side of the display shows more detailed information about a selected event handler. You can use this right pane to create event handlers and to modify event handler properties and attributes.

  • Variables – This tab displays information about any variables defined for the application. Groups of variables are arranged by these criteria:
    • Persistent form variables
    • Temporary form variables
    • Persistent global variables
    • Temporary global variables

    The right side of the display shows more detailed information about a selected variable. You can use this right pane to create variables and to modify variable properties and attributes.

  • Design View Size – This tab displays information about the size of the form design area. It also allows you to change the size of the form's design view. This enables you to increase the size of the form design area, usually so you can see any components that might be hidden in the area outside the form's normal viewing area.

    See Changing the size of a form's viewing area.