Setting up the Data Lake IDO Wizard

Before you can use the Data Lake IDO Wizard to import objects from the Infor Data Lake, the wizard must be set up to work in your system.

  1. Ensure that you have an Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le account and are provisioned to use Infor ION API, Infor Data Lake, and Infor Mongoose.
  2. Sign in to Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le.
  3. In Infor Ming.le, select the Infor ION API app, or in Infor OS Portal, select the ION API app.
  4. In the ION API app or in the API Gateway app, select and open the Infor ION API.
  5. From the menu on the left, select Authorized Apps.
  6. Either select the app you want from the list that displays or create the app you need for the Data Lake IDO Wizard.
    To create the app:
    1. On the Authorized Apps tab, click the Add New App icon (+).
    2. Specify this information:
      Specify a name for the app you are creating.
      Select Backend Service.
      Specify the text to describe the content, scope, or purpose of the API connection.
    3. Click the Save icon.
      The app now displays in the list of Authorized Apps.
  7. Click the Download icon for the app you just created.
  8. In the Download Credentials dialog box, create the service account and provide the download credentials:
    1. Select the Create Service Account option.
    2. In the User Name field in Infor Ming.le, or in the Full Name field in Infor OS Portal, specify the user name that you use to access Infor ION API.
      You can start to type the name and then select the user ID from the list.
    3. Click Download.
      The app downloads a copy of the .ionapi file to the Downloads folder on your computer.
  9. In Mongoose, open the ION API Servers form.
  10. If you have not already done so, create an ION API server entry for the Data Lake IDO Wizard to use:
    Note: If you have a previously existing ION API server entry with a Server ID value of 0 (zero), you might need to edit or delete it, and then re-create it using the .ionapi you just downloaded.
    1. In the Server ID field, specify 0 (zero).
    2. Click Import .ionapi file.
    3. Use the Import Binary Data From File dialog box either to drag-and-drop the .ionapi file you just created, or click Select File and use the Open dialog box to navigate to it and open it.
    4. Click Upload.
      Mongoose automatically shows the .ionapi exists check box as selected and populates the Server URL field, the STS URL field, and the Token URL field.
    5. Save the API server entry.
The Data Lake IDO Wizard is now ready for use.