
A transactional event handler is one in which all the associated actions must complete successfully before the system can commit data and complete the transaction. If any part of the action sequence fails, the application generates an error and rolls everything back to where it was before the event action sequence began.

A transactional event trigger is one in which the database operations performed by the actions of the associated event handlers either all commit or none commit. If any event handler fails and is not marked to Ignore Failure, the application generates an error and rolls back all database operations performed during the event.

  • On the Event Handlers form, select this check box to define the event handler as transactional.
    Note: If the event handler includes any adjourning event actions, this check box is cleared and disabled.
  • On the Event Triggers form, select this check box to define the event trigger as transactional.
  • On the Event Action Generate Event form, select this check box to instruct the system to treat the generated event as transactional.
  • On other forms, this check box is read-only and indicates that the actions for the selected event handler's database operations either all commit or all roll back as a group.

When you click OK to return to the Event Actions form, the application "wraps" this content within a TRANSACTIONAL( ) parameter, which yields this final syntax:

  • If selected: TRANSACTIONAL(TRUE)