Using the Active Background Tasks Purge Utility

If you have a large number of active background tasks that you want to clear or cancel in one operation, use the Active Background Tasks Purge Utility. You can use this utility to cancel tasks that are in the RUNNING state, the READY state, or both.

  1. Open the Active Background Tasks Purge Utility.
  2. In the Task Name field, select the background task you want to purge.
    Note: This drop-down list displays only background tasks that have a Status of RUNNING or READY on the Active Background Tasks form.
  3. In the User Name field, select the name of the user who submitted the background tasks.
  4. Select either the Ready option, the Running option, or both.
    These options control which active background tasks are canceled.
  5. Click Request Cancellation.
  6. When prompted, click OK to confirm.

The application displays an informational message that tells how many tasks were canceled.

You can also verify the results on the Active Background Tasks form.