Using the Budget and Plan Template

The Budget and Plan Template spreadsheet provides a good start to the budget planning process. You can use the template spreadsheet to update the budget. You can also modify the generated spreadsheet. It is not necessary to have the spreadsheet layout in a specific format. The template is intended to help you understand how to use the SLGLBP function and to preview or update your budget effectively.

  1. Click Budget and Plan > Generate Template from the Ribbon menu.
    The Budget and Plan Template screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select a site. The data for the template is retrieved from the selected site. A site dropdown is inserted into the parameter section of template and SLGLBP function has a reference to this cell. Changing the site from the dropdown automatically updates the spreadsheet. A warning message is displayed when the user doesn’t have required authorization to read budget data from the selected site.
    Select a fiscal year. A list of fiscal years is inserted into the worksheet and the SLGLBP function has a reference to this list.
    Account Type
    Select a type of account you want to include in the template. Select ALL if you want to include everything.
    Budget or Plan
    Select if you want to preview and update the Budget or Plan amount. The SLGLBP function supports only one type at a time. The formula has reference to this value so the user can change between Budget or Plan from the spreadsheet.
    Copy Budget and Increase/Decrease amount by
    Select Copy Budget to copy the existing budget amount as a new budget. The new amount can be changed by a certain percentage by entering the desired percentage. Specify a – (negative) sign if you want to decrease. You can overwrite this value from the spreadsheet before you perform the update.
    Start and End Account Code
    Select a range of account codes to work the budget on a range of accounts.
    Start Period and End Period
    Select range of periods.
  3. Click Generate to create the template. Click Close to close the form.