Posting Vouchers

Use the A/P Voucher Posting form to post vouchers and adjustments to their associated posted transactions, the G/L journal, and the vendor records.

Before posting, you must select the Print option to print and review the A/P Voucher Posting report, which lists the vouchers and adjustments that will be posted. (Note that the grid at the bottom of the form also displays the list of items that will be posted.) After printing the report, you can then select the Commit option to begin the posting process.

Note: If an error with the transactions is detected during posting, an error message is displayed and the posting does not occur.

To post vouchers:

  1. Select the range of vendors to include in the post.
  2. If voucher authorization is activated, select the status of the authorizations you want to post:
    • Authorized
    • Matched
    • Both

    The posting process selects only those vouchers with a status that matches your selection. All vouchers with the status of Failed are not selected for posting.

  3. Select the order by which to sort the grid:
    • Vendor
    • Voucher
    • Name
  4. Select Display Voucher Totals to include voucher totals in the utility.
  5. Select Print and click Process to print the results.
  6. Select Commit and click Process to post the vouchers.