Processing BOD errors

  1. On the Integration Parameters form, select Enable Error BODs.
  2. Open the BOD Error Processing form.
  3. In the Noun field, select the BOD for which you want to process errors.
  4. In the Verb field, select the action for the BOD.
  5. Click Apply Filter.

    The results are displayed in the BOD grid.

  6. Select a BOD in the grid to display it in the Selected BOD ID field. The associated Error is displayed.
  7. To delete the selected BOD error, click Delete Current or Delete All to delete all of the errors.
  8. Optionally, use Filter-in-Place to filter by error message and click Delete Errors By Filter to delete all of the BODs with the same error. Do this if you cannot fix the error.
  9. To fix the error and resubmit the BOD, determine what the error is and fix it on the appropriate form.
  10. Optionally, use Filter-in-Place to filter by error message and click Resubmit All By Filter to resubmit all the BODs with the same error.
  11. Click Resubmit Current or Resubmit All if you corrected the same error for multiple BODs.

    The BODs are sent to the Replication Document Inbox form and processed again.

Optionally, use the buttons on the form as described:
  • Click Purge BOD Information to open the Purge BOD Information form. Use this form to delete BOD information from the BOD Information table.
  • Click BOD Mapping to open the BOD Mapping form and view information about the selected BOD.
  • Click Purge Unprocessed to purge any unprocessed BODs from the inbox. This is useful when many requests were made by accident.