Selecting the Vendor for a RFQ

  1. Open the RFQ Vendor Selection form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Select the RFQ for which you want to select a vendor and line items.
    Select the line number for which you want to select a vendor and items.
  3. The RFQ Items to Process grid lists all of the items associated with the RFQ.
  4. In the grid, update the Selected Quantity and Selected Vendor for each RFQ item based on the most favorable vendor response.
  5. Select individual records in the grid to process or click Select All to mark all records for processing.
  6. Click Find Best to have the system search for an propose the best vendor.
  7. The Vendor Pricing grid lists all potential vendors for the item.
  8. Click Create PO to generate a purchase order for the selected items and vendors.
    Note: You can select a purchase order before clicking Create PO to add new lines to an existing PO if the vendor matches accordingly.