Running the Inventory Below Safety Stock Report

  1. Open the Inventory Below Safety Stock Report.
  2. Specify this information:
    ABC Code
    Select the ABC codes to include in the report.
    Material Type
    Select the material types of items you want to include in the report:
    • Materials
    • Tools
    • Fixtures
    • Other
    Select the source for the types of items you want to include in the report: purchased and/or transferred.
    Exclude Zero Net Requirement Items
    Select this check box to exclude negative or zero net requirement items.
    Include Transfers
    Select this check box to include transfers on the report.
    Select Yes to show stocked items on the report, No to show non-stocked items, or Both to show both stocked and non-stocked items.
    Display Report Header
    Select this check box to print report headers on the output.
  3. For these fields, select the range of values to include in the report:
    • Warehouse
    • Item
    • Product Code
    • Planner Code
  4. Click Preview to view the output before printing.
  5. Click Print to run the report and view the output.