Creating Unit of Measure Conversion Records

  1. Verify that the two units of measure you want to use for the conversion record are in the system by checking the Unit of Measure Codes form.
  2. Select Actions > New on the Unit of Measure Conversion form.
  3. Specify this information:
    Base U/M
    Select the code for the base unit of measure.
    (Base U/M Description)
    A description of the unit of measure is displayed.
    Converted U/M
    Select the code for the converted unit of measure.
    (Converted U/M Description)
    A description of the unit of measure is displayed.
    Select a valid type for your conversion:
    • Global: System-wide (throughout the current site)
    • Item: For a specific item
    • Vendor: An item when purchased from a specific vendor
    • Customer: An item when purchased by a specific customer
    Select the item number. When you select a conversion type of Item, this field is required.
    (Item Description)
    A description of the item is displayed.
    Select the customer or vendor number. Where the conversion type is vendor or customer, this field is required.
    (Customer/Vendor Description)
    A description of the customer or vendor is displayed.
    Conversion Factor
    Specify the conversion factor. This number represents the mathematical relationship between the base unit of measure and the converted unit of measure.
  4. Save the record.