Creating a Customer Item Cross Reference

  1. Open the Customer Item Cross References form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the customer you want to set up with a customer item cross-reference record.
    (Customer Name)
    The name of the customer is displayed.
    Select the item number.
    (Item Description)
    The item description is displayed.
    Customer Item
    Specify an alphanumeric code to use for the customer item. This value is used to maintain a relationship between the item number used by your company and the item number used by the customer.
    The item unit of measure is displayed.
    Customer U/M
    Select the unit of measure for the customer item.
    Sales Lead Time
    Specify the number of days to add to a sales order date to identify a due date.
    The customer's currency is displayed.
  4. Save the record.

Click Pricing to open the Customer Item Cross Reference Prices form. This button is enabled only if a customer item cross reference price exists for the displayed customer record.

These fields are read-only:

  • YTD # Purchases: The number of times this item appears on other line items is displayed.
  • YTD Ordered : The total quantity of all orders for this item by this customer for the current year is displayed. This field can be reset to zero by running the Set Vendor/Item Cust/Item PTD and YTD Totals to Zero utility.
  • YTD Shipped: The total quantity of this item shipped to this customer for the current year is displayed. This field can be reset to zero by running the Set Vendor/Item Cust/Item PTD and YTD Totals to Zero utility.
  • PTD Ordered: The total quantity of all orders for this item by this customer for the current period is displayed. This field can be reset to zero by running the Set Vendor/Item Cust/Item PTD and YTD Totals to Zero utility.