Set Warehouse Replenishment Hierarchy

Use this form to create the service item warehouse hierarchy, which is used by the Warehouse Replenishment Planning Generation form.

This form runs through all items in the system. If the item is marked as a warehouse replenishment item, then each warehouse to which the item is associated is ordered in a hierarchy. The item/warehouse record is the highest, or parent, level. Each replenishment item/warehouse record, where the supply warehouse equals that of the parent warehouse, is assigned a number based the number of levels it falls under the parent.

For example, item ABC is in warehouse Main. Two replenishment warehouses, Truck1 and Truck2, have been set up for item ABC, in which the supply warehouse is Main. One of those replenishment warehouses is a supply warehouse to another location, Van1. The warehouses are ordered so that when planning runs, the demand from the lower level warehouses feeds into the demand of the utmost parent warehouse. For this example, Van1 would be set to 2, Truck1 and Truck2 would be set to 1 and Main would be set to 0.