ABC Analysis

This report sorts items based on the analysis method and shows what the new ABC code should be. You can sort by unit volume or total cost.

Use these ordering criteria calculations:

  • Analysis Method Unit, Sort By Unit: Sort by unit cost.
  • Analysis Method Unit, Sort By Value: Sort by unit cost times quantity on hand.
  • Analysis Method YTD, Sort By Unit: Sort by sum of quantity sold year-to-date plus quantity used year-to-date for each item.
  • Analysis Method YTD, Sort By Value: Sort by sum of (quantity sold year-to-date plus quantity used year-to-date) times unit cost for each item.
Note:  Quantity used year-to-date comes from the Used YTD field on the Sales tab on the Items form. Quantity sold year-to-date comes from the Sold YTD field on the Sales tab on the Items form.