Creating Vouchers or Adjustments Manually

You can create a voucher to record an amount you owe to a vendor. You can also create an adjustment to reduce the amount of a previously entered voucher.

To print a new voucher with adjusted amounts, you must first negate the original voucher entirely. Using the PO Receiving form, perform a debit return for the same quantity originally vouchered. An adjustment is generated to offset the corresponding voucher, allowing you to begin again. Then, receive the quantity back in. The new voucher can now be generated with the corrected domestic currency amount.

  1. Open the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. In the Vendor field, select the vendor for which you are entering the voucher or adjustment.
  4. Specify this information in the header section:
    To add a voucher, select Voucher. To enter an adjustment, select Adjustment.
    Distribution Date
    The current date is displayed. Optionally, select the date on which you want to distribute these funds (for a voucher) or on which you want to apply the adjustment to this vendor's account.
    For a voucher transaction, specify a unique voucher number, or accept the default of the next available voucher number. For an Adjustment transaction, select the voucher number to be adjusted.
    Specify the vendor's invoice number.
    Invoice Date
    The current date is displayed. Optionally, select the date on which the vendor invoiced you for this transaction.
    If applicable, the authorization number from a purchase order made in the mobile app is displayed.
    Select the vendor's purchase order number to apply the transaction against. When applicable, the default value comes from the voucher.
    For voucher transactions only, specify a pre-register number if you want to voucher material before it is received.
  5. Specify this information:
    Purchase Amt
    For a voucher transaction, specify the total amount of the vendor invoice you are recording. Do not include miscellaneous taxes, brokerage, duty, freight, insurance, and local freight in this amount.
    Specify the amount of freight payable for the transaction.
    Specify the duty charges for the transaction.
    Specify the brokerage charges for the transaction.
    Misc Charges
    Specify the miscellaneous charges for the transaction.
    Sales Tax
    Specify the amount of tax for Tax System 1 payable on this transaction.
    Invoice Amount
    The sum of all the charges is displayed.
    Non-Discount Amount
    Specify the domestic currency amount of the invoice amount that is not eligible for a discount.
    Discount Amount
    Specify the domestic currency amount of the discount that may be taken if the payment is made on or before the discount date.
    Proxy Code
    During the calculation of the due date, the "prox code" adjusts the date before the due days are added on.
    Proxy Day
    If you entered a Prox Code value, specify the day of the month following the invoice date on which the voucher becomes due.
    Discount Percent
    Specify the discount percentage to be given if payment is made by the discount date.
    Discount Days
    Specify the number of days after the invoice date that payment of the invoice qualifies for a discount.
    Discount Date
    Select the date on which this voucher must be paid to qualify for a discount, or accept the default date that is calculated. If the vendor does not offer a discount, you can clear this field.
    Due Days
    Specify the number of days after the invoice date that the invoice payment is due, or accept the default. The default value comes from the billing terms record that is associated with the vendor's terms code.
    Due Date
    The date on which the invoice is due is displayed.
    Fixed Rate
    For non-domestic currency vendors only, select this check box to use a fixed rate. Selecting this check box fixes the rate for the life of the document.
    The vendor's currency is displayed.
    Exchange Rate
    For non-domestic currency vendors only, specify the exchange rate.
  6. Specify this information on the Accounts tab:
    A/P Account
    For voucher transactions, the General Ledger A/P account number from the Accounts Payable Parameters form is displayed. Optionally, select a different account.
    (Unit Code 1-4)
    For voucher transactions, select the applicable code for journal and reporting purposes for each unit code that you use.
    The default value is APRV for Voucher transactions or APA for Adjustment transactions, and the voucher number. Optionally, specify a different reference to display in the journals for this transaction.
  7. On the Tax and Authorization tab, specify this information:
    Tax Code
    Select the tax code to specify the tax payable on this transaction for Tax System 1.
    Tax Code 2
    Select the tax code to specify the tax payable on this transaction for Tax System 2.
    Authorization Status
    Select the authorization status of the transaction:
    • Matched
    • Authorized
    • Failed
    Optionally, specify additional notes about the transaction.
  8. Specify this information on the Credit Card tab:
    Credit Card Vendor
    If this voucher was paid by credit card, select the vendor number of the associated credit card company.
  9. Save the record.

You can also create vouchers or adjustments automatically. After you receive the purchase order, use the Generate A/P Transactions utility to create the vouchers or adjustments.