Distributing Recurring Vouchers Automatically

  1. Open the Recurring Vouchers form.
  2. Select the desired voucher and then select Actions > Distribution Generation.

    When you do this, the distribution uses the default purchases account from the Vendor record. If there is not a default purchases account on the Vendor record, then it uses the default purchases account from Accounts Payable Parameters form.

You must create the General Ledger (G/L) distributions only once for each recurring voucher, unless the payment amount changes.

After the recurring vouchers and their distributions are set up, each time you run the A/P Recurring Voucher Generation utility, a recurring voucher is created and the voucher and its G/L distributions are posted to the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form.

Note: The recurring voucher's G/L distribution records are saved until you delete the recurring voucher.