Multi-Site Items Overview

This topic provides an overview of multi-site items.

Adding an Item

You may want an administrator to control adding, updating, and deleting items across the system. Each site can control its local Items records, and these records are independent of other sites.

Copying Item Records

Another way to duplicate item records in multiple sites is to create the records in one site, export them to a spreadsheet, and import the spreadsheet into the Items form at the new site. (Ensure that the form's grid columns are arranged in the same order at both sites.)

If your sites are accessible through a single computer, you can use the Right-click > Copy feature to copy the item rows from the Items form on one site and then use Edit > Paste Rows Append to add them at the other site.

Coordinating U/Ms at Different Sites

Item units of measure are handled differently for sales/parts orders and transfer orders:

  • Transfer Orders: Items on transfer orders must have identical units of measure at all sites.
  • Order Entry: It is not necessary to have the same U/M defined at different sites, as long as the shipping site has defined a U/M conversion between the item's base U/M and the U/M used in the order line.

If an item could be both sold on an order and transferred between sites, then the item must have identical units of measure at each site.

Routing/BOM Information Used at Different Sites

Routing/BOM data must be added manually at each site; it is assumed that in each site,the product may be made differently or have different manufacturing standards.