Running the Cash Requirements Report

  1. Use these check boxes to determine the information included in the report:
    Suppress Zero Records
    Select this check box to suppress printing of those vouchers with a balance (Net Due) of zero. Otherwise, all vouchers are included on the report.
    Print Open Payments
    Select this check box to include open payments on the statements or on the report. An open payment is a payment not associated with an invoice or voucher.
    Translate to Domestic Currency
    Select this check box to translate amounts in the report to the domestic currency.
    Subtotal by Month
    Select this check box to add a monthly subtotal to the report.
    Display Report Header
    Select this check box to include report headers in the output.
  2. Specify this information:
    Site Group
    Select the multi-site group to include in the report.
    Payment Hold
    Select the type of payment hold to use for the report:
    • Yes: Include on the report only those vendors who you have placed on payment hold.
    • No: Include on the report only those vendors not on payment hold.
    • Both: Include all vendors regardless of payment hold status.
    Payment Date
    Select the date the payment is expected to be made.
    Increment Date
    Select this check box to automatically increment date ranges and re-run reports and utilities.
    Due Date Starting/Ending
    Select the range of due dates to include in the report.
    Select the range of vendors to include in the report.
    Select the range of names to include in the report.
  3. Click Preview to view the report output before printing.
  4. Click Print to run the report and print the output.