Vendor Returns

This topic describes vendor returns.

Refer to these topics for specific steps related to vendor returns:

Transaction Reversal Support

  • If a vendor shipment is made in error, it can be un-shipped for correction up to the time the voucher is posted (Vendor Credit) or the PO is received (Vendor Exchange).
  • If a purchase order receipt is made in error, un-receiving the PO reverses the impact to the journal and vendor shipment.
  • If an SRO transaction was posted in error, any related vendor shipment transactions must be un-shipped before it can be un-posted.

Return Credit and Fees by Item

A vendor return credit and fee can be assigned to each item. The value can be a fixed manually assigned value, or a calculated value based on the item current cost or original cost upon receipt.

The original cost of the item received is intended for serial costed and lot specific items. Items of other cost methods are estimated.

A different vendor return and fee value can be specified for both warranty and non-warranty scenarios.

Outstanding Vendor Returns Report

The Outstanding Vendor Returns form, a new canned DataView, lists all planned purchase orders to be received.

Vendor Return Holding Account

When an item has been shipped to a vendor and is yet to be received, the inventory cost is moved to the Vendor Return Holding account. Once the item is received, the holding account is cleared. This account can be found on the Purchasing Parameters form and must be populated prior to posting vendor shipments.

Vendor Credit Adjustment Account

For situations in which the cost of the item leaving inventory differs from the one coming in, this offset account is used. This account is on the Distribution Accounts form and must be populated for each warehouse and product code for inventory receipts.

Alternate Exchange Items

When the part number expected back from the vendor is different that which is being sent out, the alternate vendor item can be leveraged.