Adding SRO Lines

  1. Open the Service Order Lines form.
  2. In the SRO header section, specify this information:
    Select or specify the SRO number.
    A description of the SRO is displayed.
    The customer number and description associated with the SRO are displayed.
    Ship To
    The customer ship to location and a description are displayed.
    The status of the SRO is displayed. These are possible status options:
    • Template: Used as a generic setup for quickly creating new SROs.
    • Estimate: Used for estimating cost and price information for a customer.
    • Open: Indicates that no transactions are on hold and that the SRO may be invoiced. When first created, the status will automatically set to open.
    • Closed: SRO is complete and no invoicing can be performed.
    Partial Billing
    This check box determines whether the SRO Invoice Print/Post program bills a service order or service order transactions with a status of bill hold. If the check box is selected at the header level, the program ignores the entire SRO. If the check box is cleared at the transaction level, only the transaction is ignored and all other transactions not on hold are still invoiced.

    A default value for new SROs can be set on the Service Order tab of the Service Parameters form.

  3. In the Line header section, specify this information:
    The number assigned to the SRO line is displayed. Every item entered for a SRO requires a unique number. When adding lines to a SRO, the next available number is automatically populated if a specific value is not assigned.
    Select the unit for the SRO line. The unit is the complete material composition, including all sub-components, replacement parts, and or add-ons. The unit ID may or may not be the serial number of the unit.
    The current status of the SRO line is displayed. New lines have a default status of open.
    Select the item for the SRO line. If there is a unit specified for the line, then the item in stock that is associated with that unit number is displayed.
    Customer Unit
    Optionally, select a customer unit. This is the identifier that the customer uses for this unit, for example, Vehicle 1.

    When you select a Unit, the Customer Unit might be populated by default. Similarly, if you select a Customer Unit, the Unit and Item fields might be populated by default.

    The description of the selected unit or item is displayed by default, but this value may be overwritten.

    Optionally, specify the item description first to backfill the item number.

    Line Type
    The type of the SRO line is displayed. Valid options are:
    • Service: Unit/item is in for service
    • Loaner: Unit/item is on loan
    • Adv Exch: Unit/item is part of an advanced exchange
    Select the quantity for the line. The default value is one when a unit is selected. The value can only be updated when there is no unit number.
    Select the unit of measure for the line. The default value is based on the unit or item selected.
    Inspection Type
    Select an inspection type for the line. The combination of the SRO Line item and inspection type determines the inspection tasks that are assigned to the SRO line.
    Note: After an inspection task has been measured, it cannot be changed on the SRO line. The measured values must be reset in order to associate the SRO line to a new inspection type.
    If the SRO line is tied to a service contract, it is displayed. The invoicing and billing are handled through the contract.
    If the SRO line is tied to a service contract line, it is displayed. The invoicing and billing are handled through the contract.
    Bulletin #
    Select a bulletin # if the item/unit is being serviced as a result of a Service Bulletin.
    Bulletin Description
    If you select a bulletin # the bulletin description field is then displayed.
    Select the type of record to cross-reference. The three ID fields can be used to specify existing records. If left blank, the system creates a new record of the reference type specified when the cross-reference is performed.
    X-Ref Button
    Click this button to perform the cross-reference. If the values for the three reference fields are blank, clicking the button sets them. If the three fields have been populated, the system accesses the appropriate form based on the reference type selected.
  4. On the General tab, specify this information:
    SRO Type
    The type of the SRO is displayed. The available selections are set up and maintained through the Service Order Types form.
    Lead Partner
    The partner responsible for the SRO is displayed.
    If the SRO was created from cross-referencing an incident, the incident number is displayed.
    Exchange Date
    Select the calendar date on which the exchange will take place. This date is used in conjunction with the advanced exchange SRO type.
    Due Date
    Select the date on which the work is due.
    Last Ship Date
    The date that the last time the line item or a subcomponent of the line item was shipped is displayed.
    External Sales Order
    This read-only field is only visible for customers who are integrated with Distribution SX.e. When a service order is created from Distribution SX.e, using APICreateSROFromExternalOrder, then the Distribution SX.e sales order number is displayed in this field.
    Select the department to associate with the SRO line.
    To Be Scheduled
    Select this check box to include the current incident or SRO in the scheduling process for partner assignment. If selected, the incident or SRO is displayed in the To Be Scheduled grid on the Calendar Scheduling form. If unchecked, the incident or SRO can still be manually scheduled, but is not automatically displayed on the Calendar Scheduling form.
    Awaiting Parts
    Select this check box if the incident or SRO is dependent on material which is yet to be received. Whether this field is enabled is set by the Parts Fulfillment mode assigned on the Service Parameters form.
    Qty Shipped
    The number of items or units that have been shipped is displayed.
    Qty Issued
    The number of items or units that have been issued is displayed.
    Qty Returned
    The number of items or units that have been returned is displayed.
    Product Code
    The product code is displayed. The product code contains all of the General Ledger accounts that are be used for posting material, labor, and miscellaneous expenses to a SRO. The product code also contains the accounts that are used by the SRO Invoicing program for posting Cost of Goods Sold and Revenue amounts.
    Price Code
    The price code that was set up at the customer level is displayed.
    Meter Amt
    Specify the amount that has been recorded for the unit. For example, this value may be miles, impressions, clicks, and so on.
  5. On the Billing tab, specify this information:
    Billing Type
    Unless you are copying from a template, the billing type will be the default value associated with the SRO type. If there is not a SRO type, the default value comes from the Service Parameters form. Billing types can be one of these:
    • Calculated/Time & Material: Price is calculated by the summation of all material, labor, and miscellaneous items issued.
    • Project/Fixed: Price is based on the manually entered fixed amount.
    Bill Status
    The current state of billing for a SRO is displayed.
    Billing Code
    The billing code assigned to the SRO type is displayed. The billing code is the type of method used to determine the amount to be billed for SRO material and labor transactions. These are the possible billing codes:
    • Contract: The SRO is part of a contract and the transactions should not be charged to the customer; the default rate is 0.
    • No Charge: The default rate is 0.
    • Warranty: The SRO is associated with a unit that is under warranty and the transaction should not be charged to the customer; the default rate is 0.
    • Recover: The default rate equals the cost of the transaction.
    • List: The rate for material transactions is determined using the customer/item pricing logic; the rate for labor transactions is determined using the service pricing routine.
    Material, Labor, Miscellaneous Acct Location
    This field shows whether the accounts used for material, labor, and miscellaneous transactions are assigned at the operation or transaction level. The default settings from the SRO type are used.
    Use Planned Pricing
    Select this check box to use planned pricing as opposed to the normal pricing matrix.
    Use Invoice Milestones
    This check box is selected by default if Use Invoice Milestones was selected at the service order header level. If selected, invoice milestones can be used to control when invoices are generated and for how much.
    Use Revenue Milestones
    This check box is selected by default if Use Revenue Milestones was selected at the service order header level. If selected, invoices are automatically routed to deferred revenue in preparation to be recognized later using a user-defined milestone schedule.
    Accumulate WIP
    Select this check box if costs issued to the SRO are to be stored in WIP accounts.
    Total Price
    The running total of price for the service order, service order line, or service order operation excluding freight, miscellaneous, and tax charges is displayed.
    Total Billed
    The running total of invoiced charges for the service order, service order line, or service order operation is displayed.
    Material Cost
    The running total of material costs issued to the service order, service order line, service order operation, or service order transaction is displayed.
    Labor Cost
    The running total of labor costs issued to the service order, service order line, or service order transaction is displayed.
    Misc Cost
    The running total of miscellaneous costs issued to the service order, service order line, service order operation, or service order transaction is displayed.
    Total Cost
    The accumulated total cost amount for the service order line or service order operation is displayed.
  6. The Inspections tab is a read-only tab that shows the inspections on the service order line in a tree menu. Use these fields to change the display:
    Show Labels
    Select this check box to include labels in the Inspections tree.
    Show Measured Value
    Select this check box to include the measured value in the Inspections tree.
    Show Items By
    • Item: Select this option to list the items by name.
    • Description: Select this option to list the items by their description.
  7. If the SRO is a warranty claim, this information is displayed on the Warranty Claim tab:
    • Claim amount requested
    • Original claim amount authorized
    • User who authorized the claim
    • Current claim amount authorized
    • Amount that has already been reimbursed
    • Amount of approved reimbursements
    • Amount of open reimbursements
    • Amount remaining for the claim
  8. Optionally, specify a different value for the Claim Authorized Amount if you have gone over the original amount. If this value is changed, the name of the user who performed that change is displayed in the Overridden By field.
  9. Select Ready To Be Reimbursed if the warranty claim is ready to be reimbursed. The service order will be listed on the Warranty Claims Reimbursements form.
  10. Save the record. If the Check for Service Bulletin onSRO Line Entry field was selected on the Service Parameters form, a message displays if the unit has a serial number that is part of an active service bulletin.

Use these buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click SROs to open the Service Orders form, filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click SRO Operations to open the Service Order Operations form, filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click SRO Transactions to open the Service Order Transactions form, filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click Copy Operations to open the Service Order Quick Create utility.
  • Click Cost/Price Summary to open the Cost/Price Analysis form, filtered for the current SRO.
  • Click Inspections to open the Service Order Line Inspections form, filtered for the current SRO.