Running the Partner Reimbursement Report

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Partner Reimbursement Report form.
  2. For these fields, select the range of values to include on the report:
    • Partner ID
    • SRO number
    • Transaction date
  3. For the Transaction date, select Increment Date, if appropriate.
  4. Select the or the type of payment to be included for partner reimbursements. Valid options are Voucher, Credit Memo, Other, and All.
  5. Select a value for Show Status to include one of these types of expenses:
    • Approved: Include expenses that have been approved for the partner
    • Open: Include expenses that have not yet been approved
    • Complete: Include expenses that have been approved and paid to the partner
  6. Click Preview to preview the report output.
  7. Click Print to generate and print the report.