Performing a Mass Creation of Partners

  1. Open the Partner Create Utility.
  2. For these fields, select the range to include:
    • Customer
    • Vendor
  3. Select Include Customers to include the range of customers in the records.
  4. Select Include Vendors to include the range of vendors in the records.
    Note: If a partner already exists for the specified customer or vendor, then no new partner is created.
  5. For each day, specify the maximum hours that a partner can be scheduled for a task or tasks.
  6. Specify this information:
    • The department out of which a partner works.
    • The warehouse that a partner may issue inventory out of while working on a SRO.
    • The hourly cost for using this resource.
    • The method to use or the type of payment to include for partner reimbursements.
  7. Select Reimburse Material to reimburse the partner for material transactions on incidents that the partner is assigned. If this check box is cleared, costing is not affected for associated transactions.
  8. Select Reimburse Labor to reimburse the partner for labor transactions on incidents that the partner is assigned. If this field is cleared, costing for the associated transactions is not affected.
  9. Click Process to run the utility.