Setting Up Partners

  1. Open the Partners form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify an abbreviated version of the name of the partner.
    Select the category that a partner belongs to:
    • Employee
    • Customer
    • Vendor
    Ref Num
    Select the partner reference number. This is the associated customer or vendor. This field is not available if partner type Employee is selected.
    Ship To
    Select the ship to location to associate with the partner. This field is enabled only for partners with the type Customer.
    Specify the name of the partner.
    Select this check box if the partner is currently active.
    Select the supervisor of the partner.
    Schedules Button
    Click this button to open the Calendar Scheduling form.
  3. On the General tab, specify this information:
    Specify the email address.
    Select the warehouse that a partner may issue inventory out of while working on a SRO.
    Labor Cost
    Specify the hourly cost for a partner.
    Hourly Rate
    Specify the hourly rate of a partner for the type of work being performed.
    Default Misc Code
    Select the unique alphanumeric code that represents a particular type of expense that is charged to a SRO. These codes can be used to ensure that the expenses are charged to the proper general ledger account. These codes are set up on the Miscellaneous Codes form.
    Default Work Code
    Select the code used to represent the type of work that is being recorded to a SRO. Codes are set up and maintained on the Work Codes form.
    Default Payment Type
    Specify the payment type to be used by default for miscellaneous SRO transactions that are submitted from the Service Portal. Available selections are set up and maintained on the Payment Types form.
    Select the department out of which the partner works.
    Select a user ID from the list. The list is populated from the Users form.
    Reimbursement Method
    Select the method to be used or the type of payment to be included for partner reimbursements. Valid options are voucher, credit memo, and other.
    Reimburse Material
    Select this check box to reimburse the partner for material transactions on incidents that the partner is assigned to. If this field is not selected, costing is not affected for associated transactions.
    Reimburse Labor
    Select this check box to reimburse the partner for labor transactions on incidents that the partner is assigned to. If this field is cleared, costing for the associated transactions is not affected.
    Select a default currency code to associate with the partner. This will be used for reimbursement currency conversion.
    Primary Picture
    Use this field to associate an image with a partner. To upload a new picture, right-click in the Primary Picture field and select Select Picture. See Storing Pictures for Key Data for more information.
  4. On the Scheduling tab, specify the availability and location of this partner:
    Weekly Available Hours
    Specify the maximum block of time that a partner is to be scheduled for a task or tasks on any given day.
    Display On Schedule Board
    Select this check box to display the partner on the board within the Calendar Scheduling form.
    Last Known Location
    In the Last Known Location section of this tab:
    • Click History to open the Partner Location History form.
    • Click Map Current to send the current partner location to the Map form.
    • Click Map Last 24 Hours to display the GPS coordinates of the partner's location over the last 24 hours as a trail of pushpins on the Map form.
    • Last Timestamp shows the date and time that the last GPS coordinates were collected.
    • Latitude and Longitude show the values from the last time a coordinate was collected.
    • In the GPS Polling Interval field, specify how often, in minutes, the GPS resources on the partner's mobile device will be queried for the device's current latitude and longitude.
  5. On the Payroll tab, specify this information for use with a payroll interface:
    Daily Hours Until Overtime
    For each day of the week, specify the number of hours the partner can work before reaching overtime.
    Company ID
    Specify company ID for the partner.
    Payroll ID
    Specify the payroll ID for the partner.
    Last Payroll Start/End Date
    The dates of the last time the payroll process was started and ended is displayed by default from the Payroll Interface Process SRO Transactions form.
    Pay Period Hours Until Overtime
    Specify the number of hours in a pay period before the partner reaches overtime.
    Overtime Multiplier
    Specify the amount by which to multiply the base pay to determine overtime pay.
    Holiday Multiplier
    Specify the amount by which to multiply the base pay to determine holiday pay.
  6. On the Certifications tab, select any certifications acquired by the partner. (Certification codes are defined on the Certifications/Licenses form.) These certifications are matched with any required certifications for a certain item (in the Items form) to determine if a partner has the necessary qualifications to work on a SRO or on an incident involving a particular item. The description of the certification displays after you select the code.
  7. On the Skills tab,select any skills acquired by the partner. (Skill codes are defined on the Skills form.) These skills are matched with any required skills for a certain item (in the Items form) to determine if a partner has the necessary qualifications to work on a SRO or on an incident involving a particular item. The description of the skill displays after you select the code.
  8. On the Areas tab, specify the area in which this partner can be used. Specify the address information and the description and region:
    Select the region code for the partner. A region is the coverage area of a partner. These codes are maintained on the Regions form.
    Specify a description for the area.
    Country, State, County, City, Postal Code
    In these fields, specify or select the address information for the partner's area.: This information is used when dispatching a partner.
  9. On the Team tab, set up partners as teams. Service scheduling uses this information to dispatch partners as a group. The system creates individual appointments for each team member as new appointments are created and assigned to the team. Specify this information:
    For partner records that are set up as a team, select the partners that make up the team. Partners can be members of more than one team.
    The partner name is displayed.
    Select any team(s) to which the partner belongs. A team record is set up in the same way as a partner record using the Partners form.
    The partner name is displayed.
    Team Substitutions Button
    Click this button to open the Partner Substitutions form, filtered for the selected partner/team record and the current system date.
    Refresh Skills Button
    Click this button to delete all the skills currently associated with a team and rebuild the list by adding skills currently held by any partner on the team. The new skill set is stored on the Skills tab of the team record.
    Refresh Certifications Button
    Click this button to open the Quotes form, linked for the current SRO.
  10. Save the record.

Click Schedules to display the Calendar Scheduling form, where you can see scheduled appointments related to service work.