Creating Service Bulletins

Before assigning service bulletins to service orders or incidents, you must first specify information related to the service bulletin as well as the affected items and serials.

Follow these steps to create a service bulletin and add affected item serial numbers:

  1. Open the Service Bulletins form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Bulletin #
    When adding the service bulletin to an incident or a service order, this is the identifier that will be selected.
    This is a summary of the service bulletin.
    Damage Code
    This optional code describes the damage done to an item. These codes are maintained on the Damage Codes form.
    SRO Template
    This optional code specifies the service order template that is used.
  3. Click the empty row in the grid to create a new line.
  4. In the new line, specify this information:
    This is an item number that is affected by the service bulletin.
    Starting/Ending Serial Number
    All serial numbers between, and including, these two are affected by the service bulletin.
  5. Save the record.