General application updates

Contract Close Utility

Use the new form, Contract Close Utility, to close multiple contracts at once, based on a list of criteria. This is useful when you want to change the status of multiple contracts at one time. For this enhancement, we added a button on the Contracts form to open the new Contract Close Utility.

Automated email option for SRO transactions without a price

We added a new event, called SROTransPriceIsZero, which system administrators can set up as desired. Using the application event system, one option for this event is to automatically send an email to a customer when a service order transaction is added with a $0 price.

Infor Document Management template for Contract Invoicing

The Contract Invoicing form can now use an Infor Document Management (IDM) report output instead of the Mongoose report output. The IDM report consists of an XML that is generated from Service Management and a report template Microsoft Word document, which is stored in a folder in IDM.

The Contract Invoicing report will no longer function like a Mongoose report, with reporting options and output files. Instead, the report file is routed to IDM in a predefined document type called ISM COntract Invoice. The report document is created with attributes that enable it to be used in related documents from forms, such as Invoice Listing, or in other applications, such as Distribution SX.e or Infor Ming.le.