Setting up Quote Terms

  1. Open the Quote Terms form. You can open the form by clicking Terms & Conditions on the mobile Quotes form or open the form standalone.
  2. The service order and number or opportunity and number are displayed by default.
  3. Specify this information on the General tab:
    The ID of the salesperson associated with the service order is displayed.
    The terms from the associated service order is displayed.
    Quoted Date
    Select a date to use as the quote date.
    Expiration Date
    Select the date on which the quote should expire.
  4. On the Sections tab, click Copy From Template to quickly pull in quote sections based on the pre-defined templates and append them to the list of existing sections. You can only use this functionality if the Quote Template ID field is not blank. Otherwise, select pre-configured quote sections from the grid and edit the pre-defined text in the box below the grid.
  5. The Totals tab shows read-only totals based on values from the back office Quotes form.
  6. 6.Save the record.