IsNull property (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

  • IWSFormComponent interface
  • IWSIDOProperty interface
  • IWSVariable interface
  • IGlobalScriptParm interface


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of an object is empty (null). Read-only.



  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid object.


A return value of:

  • TRUE indicates that the value of the object is null.
  • FALSE indicates that the value of the object is not null.


Sub Main()
   If ThisForm.Components("StringTableNameGridCol").IsNull Then
      Application.ShowMessage("The field is empty!")
      Application.ShowMessage("The value of the field is:" & vbLf & _
          vbLf & ThisForm.Components("StringTableNameGridCol").Value)
   End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
   Dim parameters() As IWSIDOProperty
   Dim myString As String
   If parameters(0).IsNull Then
      Throw New Exception("A value must be passed for the first parameter!")
      myString = parameters(0).GetValueOfString()
   End If
End Sub