GetObjectProperty method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Returns a string containing the value of an object property in the specified IDO collection.


object.GetObjectProperty( string, integer )

  Part   Description
object Required. The name of a valid IDO collection object.
string Required. The name of the object property.
integer Required. An integer indicating the index number of an object in the specified IDO collection.


The return value is a string containing the value of the object property.


Sub Main()
   Dim SubColCache As IWSIDOCollection
   Dim ColCache As IWSIDOCollection
   Dim NewEntityCode As String
   Dim i As Integer
   SubColCache = ThisForm.Components(GetParameter(1)).IDOCollection
   ColCache = ThisForm.Components(GetParameter(0)).IDOCollection
   If ColCache.IsCurrentObjectModified Then
      For i = 0 To SubColCache.GetNumEntries - 1
         If SubColCache.IsObjectNew(i) Then
            ' Loop through the cache entries and, if the row is a new row, place
            ' the EntityCode value in that row into NewEntityCode
            NewEntityCode = SubColCache.GetObjectProperty("EntityCode", i)
         End If
      Next i
   End If
End Sub