Designer options

Designer options control aspects of how the form looks and behave when you are in the Web Designer. You need these if you are actively involved with creating or modifying forms.

Setting Comments
Show Hidden Components When selected, hidden components on a form are displayed when you are in the Web Designer. When cleared, components remain hidden.
Enforce Strict Locking of Forms and Global Objects
Note:  This option applies only to those who have editing permissions of Site Developer or Vendor Developer.

When this option is selected, these changes take place:

  • The LockedBy field is set to your user ID for any forms or global objects you create.

    This prevents anyone else from making changes until you check the form or object in.

  • You receive a warning if you try to open a form or global object that someone else has checked out.
  • You cannot save a form or global object that someone else has checked out.

We recommend that this option be selected in any environment where there are multiple developers designing and/or modifying forms.

Visual Studio Downloaded Project Version Use this option to select the Visual Studio version you will use to edit the downloaded scripts.