Checking which background tasks are running

When the Background Queue form is used to create a job, it creates an Active Background Task record with a WAITING status, including the appropriate task name and parameters.

Note: The task name, which is determined through the Background Task Definitions form, is usually the same as the form name of the report or utility that is waiting to run.

To check which background tasks are running:

  1. Open the Active Background Tasks form.
  2. Verify the task status:
    • READY: Tasks with this status generally process immediately. These tasks can be deleted from the queue from within your application using the Active Background Task Purge Utility form.
    • RUNNING: Tasks with this status are currently processing. These tasks cannot be deleted from the queue from within your application.
    • WAITING: Scheduled tasks with this status remain in the queue until their scheduling requirements are met, as set in the Background Queue form. These tasks can be deleted from the queue from within your application.

      You can reschedule the time and modify the recurrence of a WAITING task using the options provided on the Recurrence and Recurrence Range sections of the Active Background Tasks form.

      Note: If the DateTime in Client Time Zone process default is enabled, the date and time value is displayed based on your local time zone. If this process default is disabled, the date and time value is displayed based on the site time zone.
    • PROCESS: Scheduled tasks with this status have passed beyond the elapsed time interval and are ready to process, but have not been processed.

      The PROCESS state is used with scheduled tasks. When the scheduled interval elapses, the scheduled task moves to a PROCESS state and a new READY task is created to execute the task. The scheduled task moves back to a WAITING state after the task is processed. This keeps the scheduled interval from elapsing again while the previous task is still processing.

After a task is completed, the task is deleted from the queue. You can view details about its processing in the Background Task History form.

Although you cannot stop a background task with RUNNING status from within your application, you can use the Windows Task Manager to do so if you need to stop a long-running process.

Note: The Windows Task Manager is different from the Infor Framework TaskMan Service.