Posting Finance Charges

  1. On the Finance Charge Posting form, select the range of customers whose finance charges you want to post. To post finance charges for all customers, leave these fields blank.
  2. On the Finance Charge Transaction Report, select the range of customers and click Process to print the report and verify that the finance charges are correct.
    Note:  You must print this report before you can post the charges. The Commit option is inactive until you perform this step.
  3. After verifying the report, on the Finance Charge Posting form, select Commit and then click Process to post the finance charges.

After the finance charges are posted, they are displayed on the A/R Posted Transactions Detail form with Finance Charge as the type and -1 as the invoice number. The posted finance charges are displayed as Finance Charge on this form.

Transactions that contain incorrect information are not posted. In this case, an error message is displayed stating that the posting process is partially complete. You must correct the errors, and then post the finance charges again.