Maintaining Salesperson

  1. On the Salesperson form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify a code for the new salesperson.
    (Salesperson Name)
    The name of the salesperson is displayed.
    Pay Commission Through A/P
    Select this check box to identify the salesperson as an outside vendor with a record on the Vendors form.
    Reference Number
    If you selected Pay Commission Through A/P, select the vendor number of the salesperson. The name and address from the Vendor file are displayed under the Salesperson field on the form.
    Select a partner ID to associate the salesperson to an internal resource. The name of the partner is displayed beside the Salesperson field.
    The address of the salesperson is displayed.
    Select up to a three-character salesperson classification code. The codes are defined on the Salesperson Classifications form.
    (Classification Description)
    A description of the salesperson is displayed.
    Sales Manager
    Select the immediate manager of the salesperson who receives a commission whenever the salesperson also does. If the salesperson is the top manager, leave this field blank. If you are not using the salesperson hierarchical structure, this field should always be blank.
    Sales PTD
    The period-to-date sales associated with this salesperson's code are displayed. This field is updated when an invoice is generated for a sales order with this salesperson's code.
    Note: This field is disabled when the SX.e integration is enabled on the Integration Parameters form.
    Select the region for which this salesperson is responsible.
    Sales YTD
    The year-to-date sales associated with this salesperson's code are displayed. This field is updated when an invoice is generated for a sales order containing this salesperson's code.
    Note: This field is disabled when the SX.e integration is enabled on the Integration Parameters form.
    Primary Picture
    Use this field to associate an image with a salesperson. To upload a new picture, right-click in the Primary Picture field and select Select Picture.
  3. Save the record.