Adding a Blanket Purchase Order Release

  1. Follow the steps in Adding a Blanket Purchase Order Header to set up a blanket purchase order on the Purchase Orders form.
  2. Click Releases to open the Purchase Order Blanket Releases form.
  3. Select Actions > New.
  4. This information is displayed based on the purchase order header and line:
    • PO number
    • Vendor number and name
    • Vendor PO
    • PO status
    • Date of creation
    • PO change number
    • Change order status
    • Line number
    • Item number and name
    • Item quantity and U/M
    • Vendor item
    • Quote cost
    • Unit cost
  5. Specify this information:
    The next sequential release number is displayed. Optionally, specify a different number.
    Select the status of the release:
    • Planned
    • Ordered
    • Filled
    • Complete
    Release Quantity
    Specify the quantity of the item for this release.
  6. Specify this information on the General tab:
    Select the warehouse at which the purchase order is to be received.
    Release Date
    The current date is displayed by default. Optionally, select another date as the date this line/release was added.
    Due Date
    The current date is displayed by default. Optionally, select another date as the date the release is due.
    Promise Date
    Select the date by which the line or release was promised to be received from the vendor.
    Select the reference type:
    • Inventory: The item is being purchased so that it can be placed in inventory.
    • Order: The item is being purchased to satisfy a sales order requirement.
    • Transfer: The item is being purchased for a transfer.
    G/L Account
    The G/L account associated with the item is displayed.
  7. On the Costs tab, specify the price to pay for each portion of the item:
    • Material
    • Freight
    • Duty
    • Brokerage

    The sum is displayed on the Item Cost field.

  8. This additional information is displayed on the Costs tab:
    • Currency: The vendor's currency
    • Overridden: This check box is selected if the allocated landed costs have been updated
    • Extended Cost: The total cost for this release of this line
    • Received: The total quantity received for the line/release
    • Rejected: The total quantity rejected for the line/release
    • Vouchered: The total quantity voucher for the line/release
    • Last Received: The date that the line/release was last received
  9. On the Drop Ship tab, select where you want to send shipments. The system prompts for additional information based on the selection:
    • When you select Warehouse, the system prompts for the Warehouse in which to fill the purchase order.
    • When you select Drop Ship To, the system prompts for the drop ship to number associated with the desired address.
    • When you select Customer, the system prompts for the associated customer number and the ship to sequence number for the desired address.
    • When you select Partner, the system prompts for the associated Partner ID for the desired partner to pickup.
    • When you select Hold, system does not prompt for anything as the customer picks up the item.
  10. Specify this information on the Tax Info tab:
    Select the tax code that identifies the tax rate that applies to this item in an item-based tax system, or the exemption code for this item in an area-based tax system.
    Tax Code 1
    Select the tax code to specify the tax due for Tax System 1 on this purchase order.
    Tax Code 2
    Select the tax code to specify the tax due for Tax System 2 on this purchase order.
    (Tax Code Description)
    A description of the tax code is displayed.
    Purch Req
    Perform one of these actions:
    • To let the system assign the next available requisition number, leave the field blank.
    • To use a prefix other than the default, specify a new requisition prefix.
    • Specify an existing requisition.
  11. If applicable, specify this information on the EC Vat tab:
    Specify the nature of transaction code used in the European Community.
    Delivery Terms
    Specify the code for the terms of delivery.
    Process Indicator
    Specify the code for the process indicator, which is used in setting up the EC Sales List Report for companies in European Community (EC) countries.
    Specify the European Community (EC) code.
    Specify the code for the country where the item originated and is only required in certain European Community (EC) countries.
    Specify the code to be used for this particular commodity.
    Suppl Units
    Specify the multiplication factor to use when converting from the standard unit of measure to the supplementary unit of measure for this commodity.
    SSD Value
    Specify the Supplementary Statistical Declaration (SSD) Value, which is used in some European Community (EC) reports.
    Unit Weight
    Specify the weight of one unit (as defined by the U/M field) of the item.
    Specify the number of consignment shipments.
  12. Save the record.

Use the buttons on the form as described here:

  • Click Lines to open the Purchase Order Lines form.
  • Click PO to open the Purchase Orders form.