Payment Type/Vendor Pay Type

On the A/P Payments and A/P Quick Payment Application forms, the vendor's default payment type from the Vendors form is displayed, but you can select a different one from these choices: Standard Check, Manual Check, Wire Payment, Standard Draft, Incoming Draft, or EFT Payment. (When a foreign currency vendor is selected, the payment type options are Wire Payment, EFT Payment, Standard Check, or Manual Check.)

On the A/P Payment Distributions form, the payment type for the current payment displays from the A/P Payments form, but you can select a different type.

On the A/R Payment Distributions and A/R Posted Transactions Detail forms, the payment type for the current payment displays from the A/R Payments form. If you are adding an A/R payment distribution, the customer's default payment type displays, but you can select a different type from these choices: Adjust, Check, Draft, Wire, or Cash.