Viewing A/L Posted Transactions

  1. Open the A/L Posted Transactions form.
  2. Filter for the transaction sequence that you want to view. This information is displayed:
    The unique number assigned to the transaction is displayed.
    The posting date of the transaction is displayed.
    The originating site of the transaction is displayed.
    The G/L account to which the transaction was posted is displayed.
    (Unit Code 1-4)
    The unit codes for the account are displayed.
    (Account Description)
    The description of the account is displayed.
    Domestic/Foreign Debit
    If the transaction is a debit, its amount is displayed in the Domestic and Foreign Debit fields. If it is a credit, these fields are not displayed on the form; instead, the amount of the transaction is displayed in the Domestic and Foreign Credit fields.

    The bank code's currency is displayed in the Bank Code field. If it is the same as the domestic currency, the foreign and domestic values are the same. If it is foreign, the domestic and foreign values are calculated and displayed.

    Domestic/Foreign Credit

    The Domestic and Foreign Credit fields show the value of the transaction if it is a credit. If the value of the transaction is a debit, these fields are not displayed on the form.

    If the bank code is domestic, the Currency Code field shows the bank's currency. In this case, the foreign and domestic values are the same.

    If the bank code is foreign, the Currency Code field shows the bank's currency, and the domestic/foreign values are calculated and displayed.

    Exchange Rate
    The exchange rate for the current transaction displayed.
    The reference from the journal entry is displayed.
    Allocation Transaction
    If the transaction is posted to an Allocation account, a system-generated number is displayed.
    Posted From
    The journal type that posts the record is displayed.
    Posted From Site
    For cross-site payment transactions, the site from where the transaction was posted to the ledger is displayed.
    The number of the customer or vendor that is associated with the transaction is displayed.
    The invoice or voucher number is displayed.
    Invoice/Voucher Seq
    The invoice or voucher sequence number is displayed.
    The hierarchy for the posted transaction is displayed when viewing the posted transaction for an entity.
    (Control Num Prefix)
    The control number prefix is displayed as the first part of the Control Number.
    The site ID is displayed.
    (Fiscal Year)
    The fiscal year is displayed for the control number.
    The period number is displayed for the control number.
    (Control Number)
    The ledger control number is displayed.
    Check #
    The check number is displayed.
    Check Date
    The date of the check distribution is displayed.
    The currency code for the highlighted posted transaction is displayed.
    Bank Code
    The bank code for the current transaction is displayed.
    This field is set to Yes if the transaction has been consolidated from the site to the entity. This field is set to No if the transaction has not been consolidated.