Setting Item Pricing for a Special Pricing Agreement

  1. On the Item SPA Prices form, select Actions > New.
  2. Specify this information in the header section:
    SPA Number
    Specify a unique identification for the special pricing agreement record. For example, SPA001.
    Select the customer for whom you want to set up the special pricing. The customer name and currency are displayed.
    Optionally, select a vendor for whom you want to set up the special pricing. A description of the vendor is displayed.
    Select the item for which you want to set special pricing. The item description, unit of measure, and quantity on hand are displayed.
  3. In the Effective Date and Ending Effect fields, select the range of dates during which the special pricing will be in effect. Leave the Ending Effect field blank if you want to extend the special pricing indefinitely.
  4. Specify this information for the pricing:
    Break Quantity
    In these fields, specify the minimum quantity required for the associated price break. The break quantity is based on the base unit of measure for the item, not the customer unit of measure.
    SPA Cost
    Specify the special cost value for each price break.
    Plan Cost
    The estimated cost of the item is displayed. This value is determined based on the cost, price, and margin percentage.
    Margin %
    Specify the percentage value to use in calculating an item plan cost.
    SPA Price
    The SPA price value is displayed, as generated by the system from the values you specified.
    List Price
    The list price of the item is displayed.
  5. Specify this planning information:
    Order Minimum
    This field applies to MRP. Specify the minimum amount of this item to produce. When the system creates a planned order for this item, it is for a quantity no less than the amount in this field. The system uses the order minimum in conjunction with the order multiple value. If the demand quantity is less than the order minimum, the system creates the planned order for the order minimum value. If the order minimum value is less than the demand quantity, the system adds order multiples to the order minimum value until the planned order quantity is greater than or equal to the demand quantity. See the Order Minimum help topic for more information.
    Order Multiple
    Specify the multiple in which quantities of this item should be planned.
    Order Maximum
    Specify the maximum amount of this manufactured end item to build. See the Order Maximum help topic for more information.
    Safety Stock
    The quantity of this item to always have on hand is displayed.
    Days Supply
    The number of days to look ahead to determine supply is displayed.
  6. Save the record.

Use the buttons on this form as described here:

  • Click Item LIFO/FIFO Detail to open the Item LIFO/FIFO Detail form, filtered for the current item.
  • Click Time Phased to open the Time Phased Inventory Status form.