Entering Invoice, Debit, and Credit Memo Sequences

  1. Open the Invoice, Debit, and Credit Memo Sequences form.
  2. On the form, select Actions > New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the type of transaction for which you are defining a sequence of numbers:
    • Invoice
    • Credit Memo
    • Debit Memo
    Start/End Date
    Select a range of dates during which invoices with the sequence numbers can be used.
    A system-generated number used to distinguish between records within the same date range is displayed. This value is not displayed until after the record is saved.
    Select a category to use for a the sequence; this determines the customers for whom those sequences is used.
    (Category Description)
    The description of the category is displayed.
    This check box is selected if the invoice is closed.
    Starting/Ending Invoice
    Select the range of invoices, credit memos, or debit memos to use in the sequence.
    Last Invoice
    The last invoice number used in the sequence is displayed.
  4. Save the record.