Creating a Sales Order

  1. Open the Sales Orders form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Specify this information in the header section:
    Specify a unique alphanumeric to identify the order. When creating a new sales order (SO), you can leave this field blank and the system will generate the next available number using the standard expand key logic, along with the SO prefix designated on the Sales Order Parameters form.
    Customer PO
    If the PO Required flag is selected, specify the identification of the customer purchase order.
    Taken By
    Select the identification of the person responsible for entering the sales order into the system.
    PO Required
    This check box is selected if a purchase order number is required before any work can be done.
    Select the date that the sales order was opened. The current system date is used as the default date.
    Select the status of the sales order. The status determines whether transactions may be entered or invoiced against the SO.
    • Closed: SO is complete and no invoicing can be performed.
    • Open: Indicates that no transactions are on hold and that the SO may be invoiced. When first created, the status is automatically set to open.
    • Estimate: Used for estimating cost and price information for a customer.
    Order Type
    Select whether the SO is for sales or parts.
    Working Status
    This field represents the current state of the sales order within the order fulfillment process. This value is displayed by default from the Sales Order Parameters form.
    Select a customer. Optionally, filter by the customer name.
    Ship To
    The customer ship to location is displayed. Optionally, filter the form by the ship to name.
    Select the default warehouse to use for the SRO.
    Ship Via
    Specify the amount of freight charges to be invoiced.
    Misc Charges
    Specify any miscellaneous charges associated with the SRO.
    Specify the percentage of the sales amount of an invoice that is deducted from the amount owed if payment is made within the number of Discount Days. For example, to allow a 2% discount for payments made within the Discount Days, specify 2 in this field.
  4. The grid on the Lines tab lists this information for each item:
    • Item description
    • U/M
    • Quantity
    • Unit price
    • SPA number
    • Plan cost
    • Plan margin %
    • Vendor
    • Warehouse
    • Mfg list price
    • Location
    • Lot
    • Tax code
    • Due date
    • Discount
    • Qty reserved
    • Qty shipped
    • Contract
    • Line
    • Vendor drop ship
    • Last received date
    • Total plan cost
    • Total actual price
    • Actual margin
    • Actual margin %
    • Pick list printed
  5. Optionally, use the buttons on the Lines tab as described here:

    X-Ref Button

    Click this button to perform a cross reference. If the values for the three reference fields are blank, the system sets them. If the three fields have been populated, the system accesses the appropriate form based on the source/destination type selected.

    Kit Components Button

    Click this button to launch the Kit Components form, filtered for the currently selected record. The button is enabled only for sales order lines that contain kit items.

    Kit Components Availability Button

    Click this button to launch the Kit Components Availability form, filtered for the currently selected record.

    Reserve Button

    Click this button to perform the stock reservation for the line item(s).

  6. This information is also displayed on the Lines tab after creating the sales order:
    Select the type of record to cross-reference. The three ID fields can be used to specify existing records. If left blank, the system creates a new record of the reference type specified when the cross-reference is performed.
    On Hand
    The total quantity of an item at all nettable stockroom locations is displayed.
    Alloc Order
    The number of component items allocated to orders from the selected warehouse is displayed. This value is based on demand for orders that have not yet shipped. This is not a reservation of the item. For example, the order allocation value is affected when order shipping is performed or when the quantity on open orders is adjusted.
    The amount of the item that is reserved at the current lot/location and warehouse is displayed.
  7. On the Customer tab, select the customer and ship to for the sales order.
  8. Optionally, click Interactions to launch the Interactionsform and view any ongoing customer interactions.
  9. Specify this information on the Details tab:
    A unit is a complete material composition, including all subcomponents, replacement parts, and/or add-ons. Each unit is identified with a unique alphanumeric ID. This ID can be the serial number of the unit, but it does not have to be the serial number. If it is a serial number, that number does not have to exist in the Serial Numbers form. This allows you to service units that you did not manufacture.
    View Unit Configuration
    Click this button to launch the Unit Configurations form to display details of the unit selected.
    The item number is displayed.
    The version identification of the product is displayed. This value originates from the Item Versions form.
    View Item Configuration
    Click this button to launch the Unit Configurations form to display details of the unit selected.
    A brief description of the item is displayed.
    Select the salesperson associated with the SRO or contract.
    Price Code
    The price code is displayed.
    Terms Code
    Select the terms code for this customer.The terms code is used to identify specific billing terms that apply to this customer or this order. This value displays as the default when you enter invoice and debit transactions. The terms code is used when determining the transaction due date and the discount information. The code entered here must be in the terms code file.
    End User Type
    Select an end user type for this order.
    Bill Manager
    Select the partner identification of the person responsible for verifying that the SRO is properly invoiced.
    Select the incident associated with the sales order.
    Most Recent Pack Slip
    The number of the most recent packing slip that includes a line from the sales order is displayed.
  10. Specify this information on the Amounts tab:
    Fixed Rate
    Select this check box if you want to set a fixed exchange rate for calculating the invoice amount that does not change over time. If cleared, the exchange rate is acquired from the currency code and currency rates.
    The currency code from the Customers form is displayed and cannot be overwritten.
    Exchange Rate
    The exchange rate for the current transaction is displayed.
    Sales Amount
    The accumulated value for all invoices that are generated for the current order is displayed.
    Outstanding Balance
    Any outstanding balance for the current order is displayed.
    Credit Hold
    Select this check box to place the current customer on credit hold. When a customer is placed on credit hold, no shipments can be made to that customer. Placing a customer on credit hold does not place individual orders on credit hold, but if the customer is on credit hold, the system will not allow shipments to that customer. To place individual orders on credit hold, go to the Sales Orders and Service Orders forms. If you place a customer on credit hold, the following values are assigned to these fields:
    • Credit Hold = True
    • Credit Hold Reason = the customer's Credit Hold Reason
    • Credit Hold Date = today's date
    • Credit Hold User = user placing this customer on credit hold
    When a customer is on credit hold, a large red X is displayed on forms when the customer records are displayed.
    Note: The system does not permit you to ship orders that have been placed on credit hold.
    Clear this check box to remove a customer from credit hold. When you save the record, the system assigns the following values for each field:
    • Credit Hold = False
    • Credit Hold Reason = Blank
    • Credit Hold Date = Blank
    • Credit Hold User = Blank
    When a customer is not on credit hold, a large green check mark is displayed on forms when the customer records are displayed. To change this field's value, you must be authorized.
    Select the reason for the credit hold. This value is required to execute the credit hold. The selections available are set up and maintained through the Credit Hold Reason Codes form.
    Credit Hold Date
    The date on which the Credit Hold check box was selected is displayed.
    User Name
    The name of the user who placed the order on credit hold is displayed.
  11. Specify this information on the Tax Info tab:
    Tax Code
    Select the tax code, which represents how the sales tax is calculated. The codes are set up and maintained through the Tax Codes form.

  12. Save the record.

The Planned/Actual Totals area summarizes the price and cost of an order to be shipped into the planned row, and compares to lines already shipped in the actual row.

Note: All margins on this form are gross margins; they do not include discounts in the calculation.

The fields are described here:

  • Total Price: The running total of price for the SRO, SRO Line, or SRO Operation excluding freight, miscellaneous, and tax charges is displayed.
  • Total Cost: The accumulated total cost amount for the sales order is displayed.
  • Margin %: The percentage of revenue gain or loss between the price and the cost is displayed.
  • Total Tax: The total sales tax charges that have been invoiced for the sales order is displayed.
  • Total Discount: The total amount being discounted from the order is displayed. This includes any percentage calculations from both the header and line(s).
  • Freight: Specify the amount of freight charges to be invoiced.
  • Misc Charges: Specify any miscellaneous charges associated with the SRO.
  • Grand Total: The order total, including all applicable lines, pricing, taxes, discounts, and freight and miscellaneous charges is displayed.

Use the buttons on this form as described here:

  • Click Estimate to open the Sales Order Estimate Report modal form. The starting and ending order range will default from the currently selected record.
  • Click New Contract to open the New Contract modal form.
  • Click Generate Pack Slip to open the Order Packing Slip Generation modal form.
  • Click Copy Sales Order to open the Copy Sales Orders form. The Order Type and Order fields are populated based on the current sales order record.
  • Click Order Shipping to open the Order Shipping form modally.
  • Click Posted Order Shipments to open the Posted Order Shipments form modally.
  • Click Package Tracking to open the Package Tracking form.
  • Click Quick Order Payment to open the Quick Order Payment form.
  • Click Authorize Credit Card to open the Credit Card Payments form, pre-populated with the customer information for the sales order.
  • Click Order Invoicing to open the Order Invoicing form, filtered for the current sales order.
  • Click Order Invoice Listing to open the Order Invoice Listing form, filtered to show all invoices for the current sales order.