Providing an Electronic Signature

  1. Open the Electronic Signature Required form.
  2. Specify this information:
    User Name
    Specify your user ID or the ID of a user who has electronic signature authorization.
    Specify the password for the user ID.
    Select the reason code for the signature.
  3. Select Sign for Entire Batch to use the signature on all the transactions. This field is only enabled if the current process is set up with this option.
  4. Click OK to process the signature.
  5. Click Cancel to stop the process.

When the user name and password are successfully entered, the data associated with the signature and with the transaction proceed. The transaction data is stored in a new table.


In some cases, the process of providing an electronic signature fails. These actions cause a transaction to fail:

  • Entering the incorrect password too many times.

    After the maximum number of retries is reached, the user account is locked out and the transaction fails. The maximum password entries is specified on the Password Parameters form.

  • Clicking Cancel when entering the password.