
  • More Details
    • Comments: Provide additional information about the request through comments. Comments are mandatory if the Infor Risk & Compliance option check box on the Access Management section of the Configuration page is selected.
    • E-mail settings: This tab enables you to send email notifications to request participants or other users at specific stages of a request.
      1. Select any of the request status check boxes next to a user. Email notifications will be sent to that user when the request reaches that status. The option Approval Email Notification ensures that a user is notified whenever a request is posted to that user's inbox.
      2. Select the check box Display comments in email notifications, if you want the application to display comments in the notification.
      3. Other users can be notified by selecting the option Others. Provide the email address for the other users in the Other emails text box and click the Add icon.
      Note: Email settings are enabled and may be changed only if the check box Override this Option is selected in the Options panel of the Approval Process Template page.
    • Approval Stages : This panel provides details of the approval stages of the request and its present status .