Working with keywords

This page enables you to perform the following actions:

  • Assign a rule to a keyword

    To group rules by keywords, the rules must be assigned to a keyword. Rules may be assigned to keywords in either of the following ways:

    • Through the Actions menu.
      1. Select the check box next to the desired keyword.
      2. Click the More actions icon and then click Assign Rule. The Rules window is displayed.
      3. Select the check box next to the rule to be assigned and click Assign. The assigned rule is displayed in the Rules Assigned column on the Keywords page.
    • By editing a keyword
      1. On the Keywords page, click the name of the keyword to which a rule is to be added. The page for the selected keyword is displayed.
      2. On the Rules Assigned panel, provide the name of the rule to be assigned to the keyword or click Browse to select the required rule.
        Note:  All keywords associated with a specific rule can be viewed on the Rules page. The Rules page also enables you to associate new keywords with a rule or change or remove associated keywords.
  • View the rules and parameter lists assigned to a keyword

    The Rules Assigned and Parameter Lists Assigned columns on the Keywords page display the rules and parameter lists assigned to a keyword. Although multiple rules or parameter lists may be assigned to a single keyword, the User Interface displays only one rule or parameter list as a hyperlink.

    Click the hyperlink for a rule or parameter list next to the desired keyword. A pop-up window displays all rules or parameter lists attached to that keyword.

    All rules and parameter lists assigned to a specific keyword can also be viewed by clicking the keyword link to display the page for that keyword. The rules and parameter lists assigned to the keyword are displayed on the page.

  • Assigning a parameter list to a keyword.

    Parameter lists assigned to a keyword can be used while scheduling an analysis. Parameter lists may be assigned to a keyword in either of the following ways:

    • Through More actions menu
      1. Select the check box next to the desired keyword.
      2. Click  the More actions icon and then click Assign to Parameter Lists. The Parameter List window is displayed.
      3. Select the check box next to the parameter list to be assigned and click Assign. The assigned parameter list is displayed in the Parameter Lists Assigned column of the Keywords page.
    • By editing a keyword
      1. On the Keywords page, click the name of the keyword to which a parameter list is to be added. The page for the selected keyword is displayed.
      2. On the Parameter Lists Assigned panel, provide the name of the parameter list to be assigned to the keyword or click the Browse icon to select the required parameter list.
        Note: All keywords associated with a parameter list will be visible on the Parameter Lists page in the Keyword column. The Parameter Lists page also enables you to associate new keywords, change or remove the keywords associated with a specific parameter list.

        Parameter lists can also be assigned to keywords while creating new parameter lists.

  • Edit an existing keyword

    Edit an existing keyword to change the description, to assign rules or parameter lists, or to remove the rules or parameter lists associated with a keyword.

    To edit a keyword, click the desired keyword link in the Name column.

  • Export a keyword

    Export a keyword if you want to share keywords with other users or use them on other Infor Risk & Compliance servers:

    1. On the Keywords page, select the check box next to a keyword to be exported.
    2. Click the More actions icon and then click Export. The Export Keywords window is displayed.
    3. Provide a name for the task so that you can identify it on the Tasks and on the Import / Export page.
    4. To export all keywords across the pages, select the Export All Keywords check box. This will generate a single output file.
    5. Select an export option:
      • Select All: If you select this option, the file will be exported as a .zip file.
      • Export as XML file: If you select this option, the file will be exported as an .xml file
      • Compress output in a Zip file: If you select this option, the file will be exported .zip file.
    6. Click Export.

      Exported files will be available on the Import / Export page from where the exported files can be downloaded.

  • Import a keyword

    Importing is useful if you want to share keywords with other users or if you want to use your keywords on other Infor Risk & Compliance servers.

    Import a keyword as follows:

    1. On the Keywords page, click the More actions icon and then click Import. The Import Keywords window is displayed.
    2. Click Browse to locate your keyword .xml or .zip file.
    3. Click the Upload icon to upload the selected file.
    4. Provide a name for the task to identify it on the Tasks or on the Import / Export page.
    5. Select the Import Keywords from XML/Zip file check box to import all the keywords or select the check box next to a required keyword.
    6. On the Import Keywords from XML/Zip file panel, select the desired option.
    7. Click Import. The imported file is listed on the Import / Export page from where the imported keywords can be downloaded. Once they are downloaded they will be visible on the Keywords page where you can also view the rules and parameter lists assigned to an imported keyword.
      Note: When importing a keyword, ensure that the rules and parameter lists associated with the keyword are present on your server. During import, Infor Risk & Compliance searches for the associated rules and parameter lists and tags them to the keyword. If they are not present on your server, the keyword itself will be imported but will not have any rules or parameter lists associated with it.
  • Deleting a keyword.

    Select the check box next to the keyword to be deleted and click the Delete icon.

    Note: When deleting a keyword, note the following:
    • If a keyword being used in an analysis is deleted, the rules and parameter lists assigned to that keyword will be skipped during analysis.
    • A keyword associated with a rule book or parameter list owned by a user cannot be deleted by that user if the keyword is also associated with rule books or parameters lists owned by other users.